Tuesday, January 29, 2013

This is where we are at right now in our lives--a hallway, but ours is tropical, muggy, rainy, and beautifully green! Over the last couple of years God has been working in our hearts to change our original idea that we would be teachers or care givers to mks here at our little boarding school on the Amazon forever...or at least until we molded and decayed enough to retire.

We began to seriously make plans for a move last August, and though we are now headed back to Minnesota (I know, as opposite from the jungle as you can get) in June, we still don't really know what our next "assignment" will be. We are still in the application, gathering info, wait and see stage. Now, this is not my style--this waiting thing. Just ask my husband and kids if you doubt that. And probably even my little group of 1st graders....If something needs to get done, let's just do it...NOW! It is so uncomfortable and scary and boring and hard to wait!!

But there is also so much to learn in this hallway of ours. A friend told me, "Oh but there is so much to learn in the WAIT" and she is right!

 1)We are learning to trust God to open up just the right doors even when those we want to go through are shut. A godly, trusted mentor advised us that God will either give us the desire of our hearts in ministry or we may be surprised with how he changes our desires for something totally different than what we might think.

2) We've seen communication with our kids open up as never before. The girls are having a very hard time, naturally, thinking of leaving their home and not being PQQ mks anymore...Crying, praying, and grieving a coming goodbye together has pushed us together as we lean on Christ.

3) Already we have been so surprised and encouraged by others here in the hallway with us...For some it is not their is their living room, and yet they are behind us and supporting us even while their faith is being tested to trust God to provide for the holes we will leave here. We have had friends we haven't heard from for many years, and even strangers who had happened upon us in this hallway, who have said just the right word to keep us going in the wait.

So, yes, I will praise God in this hallway and thank Him for the wait, knowing "blessed are all who wait for Him." (Isaiah 30:18a)


Kris and Mary-Jane Howe said...

We love you guys!! We are and will be praying as you give the unknown over to Him!

Holly S. said...

Praying for you guys. We know a little about waiting. We decided our family's theme song is "Strength will rise when we wait upon the Lord"

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